Sunday, September 25, 2011

The 2009-2014 Outlook for Hand-Operated Carpenter Crosscut Saws and Ripsaws in Japan

!9# The 2009-2014 Outlook for Hand-Operated Carpenter Crosscut Saws and Ripsaws in Japan

Brand : | Rate : | Price : $495.00
Post Date : Sep 26, 2011 02:38:40 | Usually ships in 24 hours

This econometric study covers the latent demand outlook for hand-operated carpenter crosscut saws and ripsaws across the prefectures and cities of Japan. Latent demand (in millions of U.S. dollars), or potential industry earnings (P.I.E.) estimates are given across some 1,000 cities in Japan. For each city in question, the percent share the city is of it's prefecture and of Japan is reported. These comparative benchmarks allow the reader to quickly gauge a city vis-a-vis others. This statistical approach can prove very useful to distribution and/or sales force strategies. Using econometric models which project fundamental economic dynamics within each prefecture and city, latent demand estimates are created for hand-operated carpenter crosscut saws and ripsaws. This report does not discuss the specific players in the market serving the latent demand, nor specific details at the product level. The study also does not consider short-term cyclicalities that might affect realized sales. The study, therefore, is strategic in nature, taking an aggregate and long-run view, irrespective of the players or products involved.

This study does not report actual sales data (which are simply unavailable, in a comparable or consistent manner in virtually all of the cities in Japan). This study gives, however, my estimates for the latent demand, or the P.I.E., for hand-operated carpenter crosscut saws and ripsaws in Japan. It also shows how the P.I.E. is divided and concentrated across the cities and regional markets of Japan. For each prefecture, I also show my estimates of how the P.I.E. grows over time. In order to make these estimates, a multi-stage methodology was employed that is often taught in courses on strategic planning at graduate schools of business.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Building furniture without carpentry workshop

!9# Building furniture without carpentry workshop

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If you start in woodworking is to follow the many paths, forks in the road, dead ends and joins. Cause is a journey that our ancestors would earn with the help of a living, breathing, a teacher, a grandparent, a teacher of business.

Unfortunately, the guides are less numerous than today. And so you have to help people like me left. Since the production of meat by-products, is not a pretty sight. Like wood-education books, magazines, television and an occasionalClass is a slow way to learn a complex task. In fact, many woodworkers to spend a long time (years!) simply accumulating machines and equipment before they can build a single piece of furniture. And when they start to build it, they inevitably that actually need different tools and machines to do what you really want to do.

So buy more tools and machines.

I want something important that has not said much to know: Is there another way to start buildingFurniture. You do not need a saw table, a workbench or even a business. There is no need to spend $ 1,000 to build your birdhouse before. You can go home in the morning at the center and build something in the garage the same day.

I'm not talking about the construction of garbage, either. The difference between a good set of shelves and looking for a collection of 2x4s is not evil a circular saw. The difference is prudence, sound design and just a little 'patience.

Is necessary to create beautiful furniturethree things: a handful of decent tools that will not be too great, always starts something and help build realistic projects.

The heart of the "I can do this," a free 79 page manual is for you icandothat / you choose to provide all the tools and skills necessary to cut the wood and the parts are available for download. The other main component - project plans - can be found on many sites woodworking.

Finally, we believe thattoo large for this approach to build, how to improve your skills. I bet you want a table saw one day. And a drill. And a smoothing plane. When that day comes, there are also a house full of well-proportioned, well-constructed projects under the belt. They will be ready for these great instruments, and gentle learning curve shorter.

If all this sounds like something that a group of idealists, a meeting of corporate strategy cooked, then you are wrong. Although I hadtraining in carpentry from my father and grandfather, I started building furniture on my back porch in Lexington KY, with a similar set of tools. Probably the only big difference is that I (at the time I did not know, for example) a circular saw instead of a miter saw. I built a lot of stuff with my simple structure - a few things we have today and a couple of things long since given up on the sidewalk.

So that, dear reader, is a valid path.

My only regret is that belowI hope that this handbook (or a master carpenter) to make my trip was easier.

Rules for Tools
I'm not an emotional type. I do not understand the nostalgic high school, my first car and my first dog. I do not know a lot of hugs from family holidays to the meetings. But I have the utmost respect and affection for my instruments. The cure is to give tools easily flow in the things that you build with them. If none of the tools in the kit we recommend disposable, and if you're in good hands, They will take.

First, looking at the list of tools in the box on the previous page. You probably have at least some of these tools already, even if you are a resident apartment. The rest can be purchased at any home center with a minimum investment of time. But before you rush out and spend your money beer, take a moment to read my tool buying philosophy.

You want to be careful when buying tools because these tools should make the most of your life. It will not be replacedthese tools with sophisticated machinery, whether to advance your skills, so that you do not want to buy the cheaper instruments displayed in the tool magazine.

So what's wrong with $ 39 puzzle? Everything. Chances are the motor is too weak, the bearings are (even if it is carrying) is thin and the electronics are poorly insulated. Slide the tool is a bit 'heavy, and - no lie - caught fire.

This means that you also want the tools to avoid gimmicks and many are loaded with features (with the pricetag match). In general, the tools with lasers, levels, bracelets, are micro-adjustable doo-fathers and digital displays are not necessary for accurate work. In fact, it could actually make life harder for you.

So I recommend you do two things. First, before you go shopping, visit and navigate, so you can see what brands and models that are out there. also help to understand what to expect for the price. Secondly, when you go shopping, look forTools brand, but choose a smaller version of the trademark instrument.

Here's an example: Suppose you want to buy a sander, and you want the Porter-Cable brand. The company offers the 343 model for $ 69 and $ 79 for 344. The more expensive model has variable speed. And while a variable speed may seem useful, but does not make sense in a grinding machine, really. Skip it and spend $ 10 on wood, glue and finish.

This philosophy extends to the blades, drill bits and sandpaper. Buy BrandName. Nothing is more expensive than sandpaper cheap, bargain no-name blades or drill. But do not buy fancy professional equipment with plastic enclosure and flashy graphics. Flashy graphics are designed to impress the boys on the site. At home, you will impress only the family dog.

Once you have your tools at home, treat them like pieces of the True Cross. Do not let your tools rust. Rust spreads like a cancer in ferrous materials (iron and steel) and can make your measurementscutting tools and hard to use. There are a lot of products out there, to prevent and remove rust, but the best thing is not on the shelf: a small box of supervision.

When you are done with an instrument, clean the metal surfaces - in particular the cutting surface - with a rag that has been wet with WD-40. Keep the cloth in the nearby (mine is seven years) and replace it with a spray of WD-40 when it is dry. Clean your instrument does two things: First, remove the dustby the instrument. The dust can carry salt. Salt attracts water. The combination of salt and moisture begins to break the iron and steel tools.

Second, by helping to prevent rust WD-40, forming a thin protective layer, although one that must be constantly renewed, to be effective. Other people denigrate WD-40 (I once did). Ignore them.

Buy Materials
Another important part of the philosophy that all materials come from the center of a house: "I can do it." It is not necessaryBuy the materials are there, but do not migrate from some exotic wood suppliers, learn the language of wood and spend a ridiculous sum for a Purple Heart wood planter box.

The truth is that you can find many beautiful things with the run-of-the-mill (literally) to build a house of wood and plywood. You just need to learn how to shop.

Let's talk about home-center wood. In general there are a lot of wood - White Pine, YellowPine, spruce and hemlock, perhaps. This is the best thickness for the construction of 2x4s, 2x6s, 2x8s sold and so on. There are times when you want to go, to overcome this stuff, but if you do this, you must know that it is usually too wet to be used immediately for furniture. If you are buying timber, take it home, cut it in length and can be dry for a few weeks before in the end you will be glad you're diving.

In addition to timber, isHardwoods and conifers, which are thinner and designed for trimwork in a mobile home and also be used. This stuff has to do 3 / 4 "thick and cut into large pieces comfortable size. But you must be very careful about it. Why?

Well, first of all, these things will be much more expensive than wood in an old warehouse in wood - the convenience of the costs, I tell you. And although it is quite expensive, are really flat and clear the table as well as expensive warped, split and knottyones.

Sun sort through the pile of wood in the whole ticket search. Yes, it might have looked like dirt from the employees get, but if you pay is $ 30 for a 1x12 pine, then by God, you should get the best of the store. When you're done, reassemble the business of the wooden pole so it's better than you found it.

What kind of wood furniture was later discovered to be removed at home? For the most part, a lot of pine, red oak, poplar, maple and poplar, sometimes. You can get a lotThe good thing about this wood, especially when you are ready to paint your projects (we are finishing the next lesson) are.

Also do not forget to visit the section shape of the Center House. You can create a lot of store-bought furniture design for the building - you do not have a router. And the nice thing is that most stores sell the molding from the linear foot, so you can cut what you need right there (and get some practice with a hand saw).

As far as connectors go, letI put a little bug in your ear. The worst thing you can do is buy screws and other fasteners in small boxes and plastic bags. You know, those five wood screws in them. These are made mostly of soft metal and cost too much. If I buy the screws in a home center, buy a box of 100 or more, which are intended for building owners. Heck, I would buy drywall screws before I would buy the plastic baggie.

As for the hill to go, you are inGood luck. Home centers have a wide choice of glue. Just do not buy things without a name. It would be nice. Maybe not. The brand name (Titebond, ProBond, gorillas) do not cost much more.

Finishing materials
When it comes to finishing materials to you at very lucky when it comes to a mall at home. If you know what to look for you almost every type of surface you want to achieve.

Let me say, paint a word. Do not let magazines or bully other carpentersUse of color. Many excellent and well-made painted furniture (for example, almost every chair in Windsor of all time). I personally love the color in some parts. Allows graphic lines in a project are for real. Color that you can easily get the color exactly as you want. And it is an area that is difficult to destroy. In general, semi-gloss latex paint, which I find very well for the furniture. And 'robust, does not stink, the house is like the oil painting andeasy to clean.

But what happens if you do not like to paint? Once again, you're lucky. Centers to bring home a series of spots. And here's a trick that you do not hear much: you get to mix two (or three or more) points on the color you are looking for. Just be sure to oil-based stain oil-based stains and mix with water-based paints.

And while we are talking about patches, I recommend you avoid products that are stain and protect your project. This "one step" products are usuallyPoints only with a little binder 'more in them. They offer little protection for your project, and I do not think they are fine, either.

Instead, you should keep the wood with a sort of foil to protect finished. In general, there will be on three types of products in the home who find it.

Will Watco, Danish and tung oil. These are usually a mixture of boiled linseed oil and paint. It's OK stuff, but you need four or five layers to build a beautifulFilm.

Here you will find a lot of polyurethane. In general, I think polyurethane is harder than you need, well, you should not connect. So sometimes it can take a jacket. If you use polyurethane, be sure to sand the finish between your hands thoroughly with sandpaper # 320 or abrasive sponges.

You can also paint or spar varnish. This is good stuff. There is a bit 'as polyurethane, except that it is softer and easier to bond themselves. Buy a can of paint and a tin of paintThinner / mineral spirits (they are the same thing). Thin the paint with three parts of paint and some paint thinner and you can then do a nice thin layer with a rag. After three layers or so, then build a nice sheen. Just be sure to sand the surface between the layers.

Finally, a little paste wax and somehow apply to them. I like the thin synthetic steel wool, which is a gray pad. The gray pad is your smooth to the touch and the wax is the whole project a gooduniform gloss.

Do not forget your Workmate
The last important part of your toolkit is a companion work. It is a portable workbench that you are never too great, even if you become obsessed with benches, build 10 of them and write a book on it.

The Workmate is one of the greatest inventions of the woodwork of the 20 st Century. This is a great grip, a work table, a clamping surface, a step. With a fellow worker, you can work almost anywhere in your home or yard.

If you buy one,Get the most beautiful in the store (I know this contradicts my earlier suggestions instruments). The plastics are not so good. In fact, the best way to buy a take an old workmate from a garage sale. My Jimmy Carter was a center cost me $ 30 and even among dogs of plastic that are great for holding panels.

Now Get to Work
Once you buy your tools, choose a project and get your materials, you should immediately dive into the project. No matter how scary the structuralTrip, I promise you that most of the barriers are mentally in woodworking. The first step is always the hardest, and this is true when it comes to cutting your first look at the screw hole or sand-shading your first piece of the coating.

"I Can Do That 'Tool list
The foundation of '"I Can Do That" approach to the small number of tools needed to build good and stable mobile. Here is a list of basic equipment.

- 12 "Combination Square
- 16 'Metro
- 10 "miter saw
- 7 1 / 4 "Circular Saw
- Drill
- Scratch awl and Brad awl
- File Bastard Cut
- Card
- Palm Grip Sander
- Block-level
- Combination Oil Stone
- Pocket hole jig or router
- 16 oz Hammer
- Nail September
- 4-in-1 Screwdriver
- Workmate
- F-style clamps

Building furniture without carpentry workshop

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Two-Man Crosscut Saw

!9# Two-Man Crosscut Saw

Brand : Putsch | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Sep 19, 2011 03:17:09 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • 8-1/2" hardwood handles
  • Hand-hammered German saw
  • 48" blade

More Specification..!!

Two-Man Crosscut Saw

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Onsrud Cutter CCTCG-10-098-60 10" CT CROSS CUT SAW BLADE TCG

!9# Onsrud Cutter CCTCG-10-098-60 10" CT CROSS CUT SAW BLADE TCG

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Sep 11, 2011 20:18:42
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

The 2011 Report on Hand-Operated Carpenter Crosscut Saws and Ripsaws: World Market Segmentation by City

!9# The 2011 Report on Hand-Operated Carpenter Crosscut Saws and Ripsaws: World Market Segmentation by City

Brand :
Rate :
Price : $795.00
Post Date : Sep 04, 2011 23:45:39
Usually ships in 24 hours

This report was created for global strategic planners who cannot be content with traditional methods of segmenting world markets. With the advent of a "borderless world", cities become a more important criteria in prioritizing markets, as opposed to regions, continents, or countries. This report covers the top 2000 cities in over 200 countries. It does so by reporting the estimated market size (in terms of latent demand) for each major city of the world. It then ranks these cities and reports them in terms of their size as a percent of the country where they are located, their geographic region (e.g. Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Latin America), and the total world market.

In performing various economic analyses for its clients, I have been occasionally asked to investigate the market potential for various products and services across cities. The purpose of the studies is to understand the density of demand within a country and the extent to which a city might be used as a point of distribution within its region. From an economic perspective, however, a city does not represent a population within rigid geographical boundaries. To an economist or strategic planner, a city represents an area of dominant influence over markets in adjacent areas. This influence varies from one industry to another, but also from one period of time to another.

In what follows, I summarize the economic potential for the world's major cities for "hand-operated carpenter crosscut saws and ripsaws" for the year 2011. The goal of this report is to report my findings on the real economic potential, or what an economist calls the latent demand, represented by a city when defined as an area of dominant influence. The reader needs to realize that latent demand may or may not represent real sales.

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